
Microlearning 2024: Research, benefits, examples, and ROI calculator

In the vast landscape of Learning and Development (L&D), the term "microlearning" has been tossed around in diverse contexts with varied interpretations. At 7taps, our mission is laser-focused: we want to be your guide in unlocking the true potential of microlearning, providing not only insights but actionable strategies for its effective implementation.

Microlearning 2024 guide contents:

  1. The science behind microlearning
  2. Research Insights: microlearning benefits
  3. 7taps and 9 events of instruction framework
  4. Bonus: Microlearning ROI Calculator for corporate L&D

What is microlearning?

Microlearning is an educational approach that involves delivering content in small, focused, and easily digestible units. Instead of relying only on traditional long-form training or courses, microlearning breaks down learning materials into short, specific modules. These modules can take various forms, such as videos, quizzes, audio clips, polls, or short paragraphs.

But here's the twist – the efficacy of microlearning isn't a given. It's not a magic wand that transforms your training overnight. Its success hinges on its application. And this is where we stand out from the crowd. Unlike other vendors who might hand you a tool without a roadmap, we're here to guide you through the intricacies, ensuring you harness the true potential of microlearning. So let’s delve into the nuances and practicalities of microlearning.

Learn The What, Why, and How of Microlearning from top microlearning experts presenting at MicrolearningCONF.

The science behind microlearning

The effectiveness of microlearning is supported by principles from cognitive psychology and educational research. Here are some key scientific concepts that align with the principles of microlearning:

1. Spaced repetition

The spacing effect is a well-established cognitive principle that suggests information is better retained when it is presented and reviewed over spaced intervals rather than in one large block. Microlearning, with its short and focused content, aligns with the idea of spaced repetition, allowing learners to revisit key concepts in a timely manner.

💡Learn how to use microlearning for knowledge retention.

2. Chunking

Cognitive load theory emphasizes the importance of breaking down information into smaller, manageable chunks to facilitate learning. Microlearning inherently follows this principle by presenting content in bite-sized modules, each focusing on a specific concept or skill. This helps prevent cognitive overload and enhances information retention.

💡Learn how to use microlearning for onboarding new hires.

3. Active learning

Microlearning often incorporates interactive elements such as quizzes, games, or simulations. Active learning engages learners in the process, promoting better retention and understanding of the material. Education research consistently supports the benefits of active learning strategies.

Learn how to design effective microlearning aligned with the science of learning. Powered by MicrolearningCONF.

4. Attention span and engagement

The limited attention span of individuals, especially in the context of digital learning, is a consideration in educational research. Microlearning addresses this by delivering content in short bursts, aligning with research findings that shorter content can lead to increased engagement and better information absorption.

💡Learn how to convert existing training into microlearning.

5. Mobile learning research

As microlearning is often delivered through digital platforms, it aligns with the growing body of research on mobile learning. Studies have shown that learners appreciate the flexibility and convenience of accessing short learning modules on their mobile devices, contributing to increased motivation and participation.

💡Learn how to deliver training on the go.

6. Neuroscience of learning

Advances in neuroscience have shed light on how the brain processes information. Microlearning takes advantage of the brain's ability to focus on specific information for short periods, aligning with research on attention and memory.

💡Learn how to design microlearning to enhance learners' memory.

By integrating microlearning experiences into daily tasks and schedules, organizations can foster continuous learning and improvement. The foundation of this approach is grounded in Bandura's Social Learning Theory, which suggests that people learn from one another through observation, imitation, and modeling, making microlearning a natural fit for the modern workplace.

Microlearning examples and ROI calculator

Research insights: microlearning benefits

Microlearning in academic settings

Microlearning has demonstrated its prowess in improving student comprehension, as showcased by Nowak, Speed, and Vuk (2023). Their research focused on challenging biochemical concepts, revealing that students engaging in active recall and critical thinking microlearning activities exhibited enhanced knowledge retention and comprehension. Significantly, students completing more microlearning activities outperformed their peers in exams, emphasizing the positive correlation between microlearning engagement and academic success.

💡Learn how Limerick School of Art and Design creatively embeds microlearning into assignments.

Microlearning in the medical field

Brynne A. Ichiuji and team (2022) delved into the impact of microlearning modules on knowledge acquisition in surgery clerkship students. The results were clear – students exposed to microlearning modules outperformed those using traditional curriculum methods. This not only highlights the effectiveness of microlearning in specialized fields but also suggests its potential to revolutionize traditional educational approaches.

Microlearning in healthcare and medical field
Learn how European Hematology Assosiation uses microlearning to educate medical professionals.

Microlearning in vocational training: a case study

In a groundbreaking study by Korbach and Niegemann (2020), microlearning via smartphones was explored in the vocational education and training (VET) of professional drivers. The findings suggested that microlearning holds great potential for enhancing information processing efficiency and reducing cognitive load, particularly in practical scenarios such as securing cargo for international transport. This underscores the adaptability and real-world applicability of microlearning, especially in industries with dynamic and hands-on requirements.

Microlearning in vocational training
Learn how McConnell Dowell uses 7taps Microlearning to help delivery drivers and improve site safety.

Microlearning's effectiveness: a quantifiable advantage

Adding a quantitative perspective to the discussion, a 2018 study by Mohammed, Wail, and Nawroly revealed that microlearning can improve a person’s ability to learn by up to 18% more than traditional methods. This statistic underscores the significant impact microlearning can have on the learning process, making it a compelling choice for educators and learners alike.

To ensure success, it is crucial to plan microlearning interventions carefully, considering performance goals, audience, delivery platform, instructional strategy, and evaluation. Measuring the impact of these initiatives on performance and addressing external factors that influence behavior are vital steps in the process.

💡Learn how to evaluate microlearning assets and programs.

7taps: All Microlearning Benefits in One Platform

Now, imagine harnessing the power of microlearning with a tool designed to maximize its potential—7taps. As we explore the effectiveness of microlearning through Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction Framework, 7taps seamlessly integrates each step, creating a holistic and impactful learning experience.

7taps - #1 Microlearning platform

Wait, what’s 7taps?

7taps is the fastest microlearning platform that allows you to create and distribute diverse microlearning content in minutes. No apps, log-ins, or confusing functionality for learners. It is perfect for training reinforcement, sales enablement, new hire onboarding, and performance support. It’s also free to sign up and explore.

7taps and Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction Framework

1. Capture attention: Microlearning modules on 7taps are designed with engaging multimedia elements, captivating learners right from the start. Attention-grabbing visuals, interactive scenarios, and concise yet impactful content ensure that learners are not just passive recipients but active participants in their learning journey.

2. Explain objectives: Clarity is key to effective learning. Each 7taps microlearning module should begin with clearly defined objectives. Learners know exactly what they will achieve by the end of the module, setting the stage for focused and goal-oriented learning.

3. Stimulate recall: Interactive elements within 7taps stimulate recall by incorporating quizzes, scenario-based questions, and interactive exercises. These elements not only reinforce previous knowledge but also provide immediate feedback, enhancing the learning process.

4. Present content: True to microlearning principles, 7taps presents content in bite-sized, easily digestible chunks. Learners access information in a format that respects their time constraints while maximizing retention. The content is designed to be relevant, engaging, and tailored to the specific learning objectives.

Learn how to design visually striking microlearning with 7taps & Canva. Powered by MicrolearningCONF.

5. Provide guidance: Navigating through the microlearning journey on 7taps is intuitive and user-friendly. Clear guidance is provided at every step, ensuring that learners can focus on the content without getting lost in complex interfaces. The platform is designed to facilitate a seamless and enjoyable learning experience.

6. Elicit performance: Learning is not just about absorbing information; it's about applying knowledge in real-world scenarios. 7taps provides opportunities for learners to actively participate, whether through simulations, case studies, or practical exercises. This active engagement ensures that theoretical knowledge transforms into practical skills.

7. Provide feedback: Immediate and constructive feedback is a cornerstone of effective learning. 7taps incorporates feedback mechanisms after each microlearning activity. Whether it's a correct answer reinforcement or guidance on areas for improvement, learners can receive feedback that reinforces learning objectives and corrects misconceptions.

8. Assess performance: Continuous assessment is seamlessly integrated into the 7taps platform. Progress tracking, quizzes, and performance analytics allow learners and instructors to monitor progress, identify strengths, and address areas that may need additional attention. This adaptive assessment approach ensures that learning remains dynamic and tailored to individual needs.

9. Enhance retention: Retention is not just an endpoint; it's an ongoing process. 7taps incorporates strategies to enhance long-term retention. Spaced repetition, reinforcement activities, and revisiting key concepts ensure that learners retain and apply their knowledge beyond the microlearning module, contributing to a lasting impact on their skills and performance.

🤓 For extra credit: Find out what makes 7taps ideal for integrating Rosenshine’s 10 golden principles of instruction or check out its micro-version:

Bonus: Microlearning ROI Calculator for corporate L&D

💡More microlearning examples and resources to get inspired

How to supplement training with microlearning in sports

Learning science references:

Brynne A. Ichiuji, Erik J. DeAngelis, Florina Corpodean, Jamie Thompson, Lauren Arsenault, Richard L. Amdur, Khashayar Vaziri, Juliet Lee, Hope T. Jackson, “The Effect of a Microlearning Module on Knowledge Acquisition in Surgery Clerkship Students”, Journal of Surgical Education, Volume 79, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 409-416, ISSN 1931-7204,

Grazyna Nowak, Olivia Speed, Jasna Vuk, "Microlearning activities improve student comprehension of difficult concepts and performance in a biochemistry course", Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 69-78, ISSN 1877-1297,

Korbach, Andreas, and Helmut M. Niegemann. “Microlearning via Smartphones in VET for Professional Drivers: The Case of Securing Cargo for International Transport.” Vocational Education and Training in the Age of Digitization: Challenges and Opportunities, edited by Eveline Wuttke et al., 1st ed., Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2020, pp. 183–202. JSTOR,

Mohammed, G.S., Wail, K., & Nawroly, S.S. (2018). “The effectiveness of microlearning to improve students’ learning ability. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(3), 32-38.

McNeill, L., Fitch, D. Microlearning through the Lens of Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: A Qualitative Study. TechTrends 67, 521–533 (2023). Phillips, Jack J. Phillips, “Show the Value of What You Do: Measuring and Achieving Success in Any Endeavor”. Berrett-Koehler Publishers (2022)
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